29 Jan 2006

Ύποπτες κινήσεις έξω από το σπίτι του Ρουβά

Την ιδέα ότι τον παρακολουθούν του την έβαλαν κάποιοι γείτονες, όταν διαπίστωσαν επανειλημμένως κάποιους τύπους να περιεργάζονται το σπίτι του. Ένας από αυτούς ήταν και ο υπάλληλος ενός βιντεοκλάμπ που βρίσκεται εκεί κοντά, το οποίο επισκέπτεται συχνά πυκνά ο Σάκης, όταν θέλει να περάσει μία ήσυχη βραδιά, μαζί με φίλους του ή με την αγαπημένη του Κάτια, βλέποντας DVD.

Σε μία λοιπόν από τις πρόσφατες επισκέψεις του, όταν ζήτησε τις συμβουλές του για τις τελευταίες ταινίες τρόμου, εκείνος τον συμβούλευσε πρώτα από όλα να γίνει λίγο πιο προσεκτικός στις κινήσεις του, μιας και οι συγκεκριμένοι άνθρωποι είχαν γίνει αντιληπτοί και από τον ίδιο τον υπάλληλο. Για πολύ καιρό αυτοί οι τύποι γυρόφερναν γύρω από τη βίλα του Σάκη και όταν κάποιος τους πλησίαζε για να μάθει τα στοιχεία τους, εκείνοι απομακρύνονταν. Μάλιστα, όπως του εξήγησαν, από την ηλικία και το παρουσιαστικό τους κατάλαβαν ότι δεν πρόκειται για θαυμαστές, καθώς πολλές φαν του Ρουβά κατά καιρούς στρατοπεδεύουν έξω από το σπίτι του.

Η ανησυχiα της Κάτιας

Η Κάτια με τη σειρά της ανησύχησε πάρα πολύ. Ο αγαπημένος της βρισκόταν στο στόχαστρο κάποιων μυστηριωδών ανθρώπων και αυτό από μόνο του είναι ανατριχιαστικό. Ποιος και για ποιο λόγο παρακολουθούσε το σπίτι του; Βεβαίως, όπως κάθε περιοχή που είναι κατακλυσμένη από βίλες, θεωρείται κι αυτή πιθανός στόχος διαρρηκτών. Δεν είναι και λίγοι εκείνοι που στο παρελθόν είχαν παραπονεθεί ότι κάποιοι επιτήδειοι τους έκαναν τα σπίτια «καλοκαιρινά», αλλά ήταν μόνο αυτό ή κάποιοι είχαν βάλει στο μάτι, εκτός από την περιουσία του και τον ίδιο τον Σάκη; Αυτό είναι άγνωστο. Μπορεί να μην γνώριζαν καν σε ποιον ανήκει το σπίτι. Το γεγονός ότι έλειπε για μεγάλο διάστημα μπορεί να έγινε αντιληπτό από επίδοξους μπουκαδόρους και η παρουσία τους εκείνο το βράδυ να ήταν ανιχνευτικού χαρακτήρα. Άλλωστε έτσι λειτουργούν οι «επαγγελματίες» του είδους.

21 Jan 2006

Οι Τρελοί Χοροί & τα Καυτά Φιλιά του Ρουβά

Αφού διατηρεί πλέον το δικό του club δεν θα μπορούσε να κάνει πουθενά αλλού το γλέντι της γιορτής του. Ο Ντέμης πήρε αλά μπρατσέτο τη Δέσποινα και πήγαν να το γιορτάσουν. Η εξέλιξη όμως ήταν πολύ πικάντικη...

Με την καλύτερη παρέα και πολύ – πολύ χορό γλέντησε το βράδυ της ονομαστικής εορτής (σ. σ.: Τετάρτη 21 Δεκεμβρίου) ο Ντέμης Νικολαίδης. Ο Θεμιστοκλής, όπως βαφτίστηκε, μαζί με τη Δέσποινα Βανδή και λίγους πλην όμως εκλεκτούς φίλους τους, διασκέδασαν όλοι μαζί στο νέο απόκτημα του Νικολαΐδη, club Barouge που βρίσκεται στο Γκάζι. Εδώ και δυο μήνες περίπου ο πρόεδρος της ΑΕΚ μαζί με τον κουμπάρο του Γιάννη Λεονάκη είναι συνιδιοκτήτες στο συγκεκριμένο χώρο τον οποίο έχουν κάνει κυριολεκτικά δεύτερο σπίτι τους. Οι δύο φίλοι και κουμπάροι σχεδίαζαν εδώ και αρκετά χρόνια να φτιάξουν ένα club έτσι ακριβώς όπως το είχαν ονειρευτεί αλλά μόλις πρόσφατα κατάφεραν να υλοποιήσουν το σχέδιο τους. Και τα κατάφεραν περίφημα.

Ο Λεονάκης άλλωστε έχει μεγάλη εμπειρία σε τέτοιου είδους μαγαζιά αφού στο παρελθόν έχει εργαστεί ως μετρ αλλά και υπεύθυνος δημοσίων σχέσεων σε μερικά από τα μεγαλύτερα clubs της Αθήνας. Ο ίδιος μάλιστα επιμελήθηκε και το play list του disc jockey καθώς έχει και πολλές γνώσεις στην ξένη μουσική και ειδικά στη ροκ. Ως γνωστόν, ο Λεονάκης δούλευε για ένα διάστημα ως παραγωγός σε μεγάλο ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό της Αθήνας, γεγονός που τον καθιστά ίσως και εξπέρ στο τι θέλει ν' ακούσει ο κόσμος για να περάσει καλά. Όπως καταλαβαίνετε λοιπόν, ο Ντέμης δεν γινόταν να κάνει πουθενά αλλού το γλέντι της ονομαστικής του εορτής.

Ο κουμπάρος του εξάλλου είχε ετοιμάσει το πάρτι από νωρίς και ο πρόεδρος της ΑΕΚ ήταν σίγουρος πως θα περνούσε υπέροχα. Το ίδιο και η Δέσποινα. Εκείνο ίσως που δεν περίμενε το λαμπερό ζευγάρι ήταν ότι θα συναντούσε κατά τη διάρκεια της βραδιάς ανταγωνιστές στο dance floor. Ποιοι ήταν αυτοί; Ποιοι άλλοι από τον Σάκη Ρουβά και την Κάτια Ζυγουλη που βρέθηκαν στο ίδιο μέρος αλλά για διαφορετικό λόγο. Ας πάρουμε όμως τα γεγονότα με τη σωστή χρονική τους σειρά...

Γιόρτασαν με Ρουβά και Ζυγούλη

Λίγο μετά τις 11 το βράδυ ο Ντέμης Νικολαΐδης έφτασε στο Barouge συνοδευόμενος από τη σύζυγο του. Η Δέσποινα φορούσε ένα μαύρο κοντό φόρεμα, μαύρες γόβες και είχε τα μαλλιά της λυτά. Όσο για τον αγαπημένο της, λάτρης του σπορ ντυσίματος, επέλεξε ένα τζιν παντελόνι και ένα μακρυμάνικο T-shirt με μια στάμπα μπροστά. Ο κουμπάρος τους είχε φτάσει πολύ νωρίτερα στο club. Μόλις πέρασαν την είσοδο τους περίμενε μια έκπληξη. Ο Σάκης Ρουβάς και η Κάτια Ζυγούλη ήταν στον ίδιο χώρο. Όχι όμως για τη γιορτή του Ντέμη αλλά για τα γενέθλια μιας φίλης τους. Ο Σάκης κι η Κάτια επέστρεψαν από την Νέα Υόρκη για τις γιορτές. Θα πάνε πάλι εκεί σε λίγες μέρες.

Ο Σάκης μόλις είδε τη Βανδή την αγκάλιασε σφιχτά ενώ έδωσε τις ευχές του και στον Ντέμη Νικολαϊδη. Το ίδιο έκανε και η Κάτια που τους χαιρέτησε αμφότερους διά χειραψίας... Όσο για τις ενδυματολογικές επιλογές του άλλου ζευγαριού; Έλαμπαν κυριολεκτικά. Το γνωστό μοντέλο φορούσε μια μακριά τσιγγάνικη φούστα με ένα άσπρο στενό πουκάμισο, ενώ ο έλληνας ποπ σταρ ένα τζιν παντελόνι το οποίο είχε συνδυάσει άψογα με ένα επίσης άσπρο πουκάμισο. Αν και τα δύο ζευγάρια συναντήθηκαν τυχαία πολύ σύντομα έγιναν μια παρέα και κάθισαν όλοι μαζί στο ίδιο τραπέζι. Ανάμεσα τους ήταν επίσης ο Βασίλειος Κωστέτσος και ο Χρήστος Λούλης.

Σαμπάνια, χορός και καυτά φιλιά

Όταν ήρθε το πρώτο μπουκάλι σαμπάνια, τα ποτήρια υψώθηκαν και οι ευχές για τον Ντέμη έπεσαν βροχή. Ρόλο DJ για εκείνο το βράδυ είχε αναλάβει ο Νίκος Μουρατίδης που στη συνέχεια δέχτηκε ένα χέρι βοηθείας και από τον Σάκη Ρουβά. Κάμερες και φωτογράφοι δεν υπήρχαν στο χώρο κι αυτός ήταν και ο λόγος που όλοι τους συμπεριφέρονταν άνετα, πολύ άνετα! Μόλις το κέφι άναψε για τα καλά, σηκώθηκαν όλοι και το έριξαν στο χορό. Ο Ντέμης και η Δέσποινα διαγωνίζονταν με τον Σάκη και την Κάτια. Τι φιγούρες, τι λικνίσματα, τι σπασίματα μέσης. Τύφλα να' χουν η Ολίβια Νιούτον Τζον με τον Τζον Τραβόλτα κι ο Πάτρικ Σουέιζ με την Τζένιφερ Γκρέι! Κυριολεκτικά. Οι υπόλοιποι τους βαθμολογούσαν και τους χειροκροτούσαν. Κι εκείνοι συνέχιζαν να κουνιούνται ρυθμικά μέχρι τελικής πτώσης.

Όταν εξαντλήθηκαν οι χορευτικές τους φιγούρες, κάθισαν ξανά στο τραπέζι τους για να ανακτήσουν δυνάμεις. Και τότε ξεκίνησε ένα θέαμα ακατάλληλο για ανηλίκους. Πρωταγωνιστές; Ο Σάκης και η Κάτια. Τα καυτά φιλιά τους σχολιάστηκαν έντονα από τους παρευρισκόμενους όχι μόνο για τη συχνότητα αλλά και για τη διάρκεια τους. Ο τραγουδιστής έπαιρνε συνέχεια αγκαλιά την αγαπημένη του και τη φιλούσε με πάθος στα χείλη. Ο Ντέμης και η Βανδή ήταν βέβαια λιγότερο διαχυτικοί όμως επιδίδονταν κι εκείνοι σε τρυφερά ζουζουνίσματα. Το γλέντι κράτησε μέχρι τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες όταν αποχώρησαν μαζί και τα δυο ζευγάρια. Λίγο πριν χωρίσουν οι δρόμοι τους ωστόσο η Δέσποινα κάλεσε τον Σάκη στο «Rex» για να συνεχίσουν τη διασκέδαση τους και την επόμενη ενώ εκείνος της είπε πως την περιμένει όποτε θέλει στη Νέα Υόρκη.

20 Jan 2006

Ο Ρουβάς και η Ζυγούλη σε Γλέντι μέχρι Πρωίας

Μετά την επιστροφή τους από την Νέα Υόρκη ο Σάκης Ρουβάς και η Κάτια Ζυγούλη, ουκ ολίγες φορές, μας απασχόλησαν με τις κοσμικές τους εμφανίσεις.

Μια εικόνα – χίλιες λέξεις...Μετά από κάποιες κρίσεις, που πλέον πέρασαν στο παρελθόν, το ζευγάρι επανήλθε αισθητά ανανεωμένο, ερωτευμένο....και αχώριστο.

Η ομορφιά, σε όλο της το μεγαλείο, ποιος θα μπορούσε άλλωστε να το αμφισβητήσει αυτό, βλέποντας το Σάκη και την Κάτια...

Αλησμόνητο Athens by Night….μετά από τόσους μήνες στο εξωτερικό.
Εμφανίστηκαν σε όλους τους αγαπημένους φίλους του Σάκη, όπως στο καινούργιο club Barounge του Ντέμη Νικολαίδη και διασκέδασαν μέχρι το πρωί με την Δέσποινα και τον Ντέμη, χορεύοντας σε τρελούς ρυθμούς.

Λίγες ώρες μετά την έναρξη του νέου χρόνου, πρώτη του μήνα ο Σάκης και η Κάτια πήγαν στο Rex για να δουν και στην πίστα την αγαπημένη του φίλη Δέσποινα Βανδή παρέα με τον Γιώργο Μαζωνάκη.

Εκεί παρέμειναν ως τις 2 παρά και αργότερα θέλησαν να επισκεφτούν και τον Αντώνη Ρέμο στο Αθηνών Αρένα όπου φανερά ευδιάθετοι πέρασαν την είσοδο στις 2.15.

Πανέμορφοι και αγκαλιασμένοι μαζί με την παρέα τους προχώρησαν στο τραπέζι τους για να συνεχίσουν την βραδιά. Απλά ντυμένοι και οι δύο με τζιν και συνδυασμό, έλαμπαν και φυσικά όλα τα βλέμματα ήταν πάνω τους.

Πολύ απλοί, δέχθηκαν να φωτογραφηθούν και πόζαραν, κάτι που φυσικά δεν ήταν καθόλου δύσκολο για την Κάτια και τον Σάκη με το πιο sexy χαμόγελο τους.

17 Jan 2006

Δημοπρασία Αγάπης του MAD

Το κανάλι MAD σε συνεργασία με πολλούς καταξιωμένους καλλιτέχνες διοργανώνει δημοπρασία αγάπης. Τα χρήματα απο τις πωλήσεις των αγαπημένων αντικειμένων των καλλιτεχνών θα διατεθούν στο "Πρότυπο Εθνικό Νηπιοτροφείο". Σαν να λέμε με ένα σμπάρο 2 τρυγόνια.

Η «Δημοπρασία Αγάπης» μέσω κινητού, συνίσταται σε γραπτά μηνύματα SMS που ο παίκτης στέλνει με το κινητό του τηλέφωνο εκδηλώνοντας το ενδιαφέρον του για αντικείμενα που έχουν παραχωρήσει γνωστοί καλλιτέχνες και τα οποία θα διατεθούν στους ενδιαφερόμενους παίκτες μετά από κλήρωση. Στέλνοντας το κωδικό αυτό με γραπτό μήνυμα στο συγκεκριμένο τετραψήφιο νούμερο ο παίκτης παίρνει συμμετοχές στη κλήρωση, όπως ορίζονται και στο απαντητικό μήνυμα που λαμβάνει. Ο διαγωνισμός λήγει στις 31/1/2006.

Ο παίκτης μπορεί να συμμετάσχει στη Δημοπρασία από το κινητό του, οποιαδήποτε χρονική στιγμή, εφ' όσον συνεχίζει να παρέχεται η δυνατότητα αυτή από τo Mad TV και την Μ-Stat. Κάθε αντικείμενο έχει ένα ξεχωριστό κωδικό.

Ο Σάκης δίνει στην δημοπρασία Αγάπης του Mad το κινητό που χρησιμοποιούσε όλο το 2005, ένα Sony Ericsson P910i υπογεγραμμένο στο πίσω μέρος! Χτυπήστε το και τσεκάρετε εάν έχει σβήσει όλα τα μηνύματα. Στείλτε MAD45 στο 4523. Κάθε μύνημα στοιχίζει 1 ευρώ + ΦΠΑ

Και αν κερδίσει κάποιος απο μας, περιμένουμε ενημέρωση.

12 Jan 2006

Happy Birthday to you ~ Down Town 12 Jan 06

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Sakis Birthday party with lots of guests and cameras proves what everyone has realized in the last year. The age of introversion is over and Sakis is no longer an unapproachable idol but a massive one. It was about time …

Sakis party at the club Barouge for his birthday in Wednesday 4th of January (Sakis turns 34) was the first high society event for the year 2006.Sakis arrived in a black limo at 11:30, half an hour after the official time, along with Katia and welcomed his guests, most of which have arrived earlier. Dozens “Rouvitses” were waiting for him outside and were trying to find a way to get in or hug him or wish him “Happy Birthday” but very few succeeded. Among his guests were the Greek diva Despina Vandi, her husband, the soccer player Demis Nikolaidis (he was part of the national soccer team when Greece won the Euro in 2004) and many other Greek celebs who were his friends and acquaintances. His secretary and very close associate, Erofilli Gioni had made a special order of the cake, which was shaped of a star with the phrase “My Star” on it that was gone in 20 minutes.

Sakis, when he was not in the arms of Katia was dancing constantly and performed an exceptional dance routine on the bar (?!?!). Sakis wasn’t afraid of publicity any more and invited his guests to dance with him. He was relaxed even around the photo reporters. “Katia managed to “get through” to Sakis because she is probably the only woman that Sakis feels will not take advantage of him for publicity. Besides she is, already, an extremely well known model both in Greece and abroad”, a friend of the couple claimed. Sakis and Katia left the party at 5:00 in the morning and head for home. Yes the couple is living together at least for as long as they both stay in Athens.

“I have fallen in love with you”
Everything started out as a rumor, and everyone said it wasn’t going to last because it was “too good to be true”, so it couldn’t be meaningful and deep. But Sakis and Katia decided to prove us wrong and show us that sometimes fairy tales come true.

Sakis has many reasons to be pleased professionally. His album “S’eho eroteftei” will probably become double platinum (something that none of his other albums ever did), Sakis’ Doll is going pretty well on the sales market (again this is an exception to the rules when it comes to Greece), and he is preparing to “present” the Eurovision Song Contest in Athens, something that will promote his career abroad. On the personal field his relationship with Katia is about to become a “Classic Romance Tale” published in every magazine, newspaper etc … Despite everyone’s predictions they are still together. “They are very much in love, even after all this time. When they are together they constantly hug each other and can’t keep their hands to each other” says a friend of theirs “they take good care of each other and they are possessive but in a good way, without jealousy and hysterics”.

This year’s Christmas with Sakis and Katia
Sakis and Katia spend their vacations in Athens, visiting friends and family. They were very discreet about it. They spend the Christmas day in the house of Despina Vandi and Demis Nikolaidis, and the very next day in the house of Sakis friend and director, Kostas Kapetanidis. The couple visited the club to Rex where Despina sings and the club Votanikos where Anna Vissi sings. In between they managed to host a gathering with friends at their house.

Sakis future plans
In the next few days Sakis will be leaving for New York, where he will stay for a few days – and Katia along with him. In February he will return to prepare for Eurovision (rehearsals etc) while the name of his co – host is not decided yet. During the summer, he might appear at a summer club, for the first time in six years. The last summer season that he appeared in a club was in 2000 with Katy Garbi.

How it is between the two
The couple seems to be enjoying the absolute love affair and doesn’t let anyone get between them. They kiss and they hug even in public, they like to photograph each other and they look each other in the eyes. “Even when they talk to others, they seem to be interested only in themselves” says a friend of theirs. “Sakis has changed since last spring. He is more talkative, he appears to be surer of himself, he replies when he is interviewed and doesn’t have that frozen smile on his face. He is a lot more positive when dealing with things. He is focusing on the bright side of things instead in the negative aspects around him”. Sakis is more demonstrative and accessible with his fans. “It’s probably because Sakis has fallen in love for the first time, that’s why he seems more relaxed and human than ever” says a friend of the couple. “Every time you see them together, you know its destiny. It sounds like a lie but it’s the truth. It’s so much true that it’s annoying. They come together and they leave together. I think that they are addicted to each other. I haven’t seen this happening to any other couple. Although they are together for such a long time, they prefer to be by themselves because the rest of us are annoying them”, says another friend of the couple. Besides very few people have access to them. Only Despina and Demis and the model Ester Mastrogianni are close friends of the couple. Anyone who doubts one or the other is classified “undesirable”.

Will they get married soon?
Moving always works as a prelude to getting married, for a couple. It’s the final exam that proves if a relationship is able to stand in the face of time or fade away. The couple is tested in everyday life not just moments. And the experiment is successful because Katia has moved to Neo Voutza. They act as if they are married, they are inseparable. Whether or not they are getting married is irrelevant, thought people who know them say it’s only a matter of time. Sakis often says: “If I marry Katia, nobody will know it until after it’s done”. As to whether they want children or not: Our sources tell us that Sakis does want children but not for a long time (four or five years at least). Katia is willing to accept Sakis choices – unless something happens of course.

The Chronicles of their Relationship

September 2003:
They meet for the shooting of the Vodafone commercial in a hotel in Crete. Sakis was an item with Rebecca Wang at the time and rumors were just rumors.

November 2003:
Sakis breaks up with Rebecca but his affair with Katia is not official yet.

May 2004:
They make their first public appearance together. Its right after the triumph of Eurovision 2004 (Sakis came 3rd after many years of failures). Sakis went to Corfu with Ilias Psinakis (who was his manager at the time) and katia is trying to avoid the photographers.

Summer 2004:
The couple continues their vacation and their affair grows stronger. She stops trying to hide.

Autumn 2004:
Katia and Sakis move in together at his place in Neo Voutza.

Spring 2005:
Sakis visits L.A. to broaden his horizons and everyone say that the future is dark and not very promising.

January 2006:
Despite the rumors and the distance the affair grows stronger and they continue their life together.

Mag. DOWN TOWN, Jan 2006

11 Jan 2006

Ερωτευμένος και το γιορτάζει

Παραμονή των Φώτων. Γενέθλια ημέρα του απόλυτου Έλληνα ποπ σταρ Σάκη Ρουβά. Είναι ερωτευμένος, πιο λαμπερός από ποτέ, ξεκούραστος, και θέλει να γιορτάσει την πιο προσωπική του ημέρα με τους ανθρώπους που αγαπά.

Έτσι σε χρόνο dt το πάρτι οργανώθηκε, οι φίλοι προσκλήθηκαν και το ραντεβού δόθηκε στο κλαμπ «BaRouge» στο Γκάζι. Ώρα προσέλευσης λίγο πριν από τα μεσάνυχτα. Ευπρόσδεκτοι μόνο οι καλοί φίλοι με απαραίτητο στοιχείο τη θετική ενέργεια και την καλή διάθεση. Το σκηνικό άκρως εορταστικό. Πολύχρωμα μπαλόνια παντού με τυπωμένη μία ευχή «Happy birthday». Ευφάνταστα gadgets που σκόρπιζαν στον αέρα χρωματιστά κομφετί. Αμέτρητα σφηνάκια και φυσικά δυνατή χορευτική μουσική, που οδηγούσε όλους στην πίστα, δια χειρός Νίκου Μουρατίδη.

Από τους πρώτους που έφθασαν ήταν φυσικά ο οικοδεσπότης Σάκης Ρουβάς, έχοντας στο πλευρό του την αγαπημένη του Κάτια Ζυγούλη, επίσης λαμπερή και άκρως ερωτευμένη. Η ευτυχία, άλλωστε, δεν κρύβεται και τα τεράστια εκφραστικά της μάτια το αποδεικνύουν. Η Μαργαρίτα Μάτσα, από τους πρώτους που έδωσαν το παρών στο πάρτι, φρόντισε να δει αν όλα λειτουργούν άψογα στη γιορτή του αγαπημένου της καλλιτέχνη μια και είναι η διευθύντρια της ΜΙΝΟS/EMI. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι τα καταφέρνει εξίσου καλά και στις χορευτικές φιγούρες μια που στιγμή δε σταμάτησε να λικνίζεται. Λίγο αργότερα κατέφθασαν και οι «κολλητοί» Ηλίας Κοκοτός και Ανδρέας Κουρής. Τον Ηλία συνόδευε η αδελφή του, Μαρίνα, και όσο για τον Ανδρέα, εκείνος φρόντισε να έρθει έχοντας στο πλευρό του τη Ζέτα Μακρυπούλια. Θέμης Γεωργαντάς, Ελένη Κούρκουλα με το σύζυγό της, Διονύση Παναγιωτάκη, Όλγα Παυλάτου, Μαργαρίτα Σιδερίδου, αλλά και Αγάπη Βαρδινογιάννη, Έλενα Κατρίτση, Δημήτρης Μιχόπουλος, Κατερίνα Γκαγκάκη, Λίτσα Πισκερά, Φαίη Λεούση, Γιάννης Ξυλάς, Κωνσταντίνος Βαρβιτσιώτης κ.ά. ήταν εκεί για να ευχηθούν στον Σάκη Ρουβά τα «χρόνια πολλά». Κι ενώ το κέφι είχε ανάψει, την εμφάνισή της έκανε η Δέσποινα Βανδή με το σύζυγό της Ντέμη Νικολαίδη. Τις ευχές βέβαια είχαν αρχίσει να τις λένε από την προηγούμενη, μια που ο Σάκης είχε οργανώσει ένα μικρό δείπνο στο σπίτι του για πολύ λίγους φίλους. Ώρα 1.30 και όλοι οι καλεσμένοι χόρευαν ασταμάτητα. Είχαν γίνει μια παρέα και ακούσθηκε το «Happy Birthday», και μια τούρτα σε σχήμα αστεριού, δώρο της Μαργαρίτας Σιδερίδου προς τον «Αιγόκερω» Σάκη, έκανε την εμφάνισή της. Τότε ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα «αστέρια» της ελληνικής μουσικής σκηνής έσβησε το δικό του «σοκολατένιο αστέρι», υπό τους ήχους του γνωστού τραγουδιού, μαζί με τους αγαπημένους του φίλους και τη γυναίκα της ζωής του στο πλάι του.

4 Jan 2006

Sakis Rouvas is in love and celebrates …

It’s Wednesday the 4th and the eve of Sakis birthday. He is in love, he is more glamorous than ever and rested and he wants to celebrate his birthday with the people that he loves. The party was organized in dt time, his friends were invited and the place was the club “BaRouge”. Time of arrival was a little before midnight. Only his friends were welcomed and they had to be full of positive energy. The scene was much decorated. There were colorful balloons with the words “Happy Birthday” everywhere, and gadgets that were spreading confetti, countless drinks and loud dance music that made everyone move to the dance floor.

Among the first who arrived was of course the host, Sakis Rouvas, accompanied by his girlfriend Katia who was also glamorous and in love. You know what they say, you can’t hide love. The representative of Minos / EMI, Margarita Matsa were one of the first to arrive, in order to make sure that everything would run smoothly. By the way she is also a very good dancer, who hasn’t stopped grooving all night. A lot of famous or not-so-famous Greek Celebs attended to wish Sakis a “Happy Birthday”. Among them were the Greek diva Despina Vandi and her husband Demis Nikolaidis. The day before Sakis had organized a small dinner for a very select few of his friends who wished him a happy birthday privately. Time 1:30 after midnight. All the guests are on the dance floor. When the music had stopped and the “Happy birthday’ song was playing a cake shaped like a huge star appeared. Sakis blew 34 candles that night.

Mag. HELLO, January 2006

1 Jan 2006

Saki new year ~ Super Katerina Jan 06

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He divides his time between Greece, Los Angeles, New York and London. He is attending concerts and shows; he meets people and makes contacts with those that will help him achieve his goals. In spring he will be the presenter of the greatest music event of the year: Eurovision Song Contest in Athens. In his personal life he is surrounded by people who love and care for him. Sakis is at his best. And as he says “How can I not be happy?”

Saki the last time we had a chance to interview you was in February 1999. That’s about seven years ago. Lots of things have changed since then …
Wow, has it been this long? Well then we have a lot to talk about! Indeed lots of things have changed. Where do I start? New albums, more live appearances, more concerts and travels, ESC 2004 … Lots of pleasant developments and new experiences. Every day brings something new.

One thing that hasn’t changed is the public’s preference. You were the No 1 Greek singer then and you still are. How do you feel about it?
(Smiling) I feel wonderful! To me it’s like oxygen, it’s energy and power. That crowd, my fans, has a very special place in my heart. That’s why I never lose a chance to be near then, whatever I do.

Let’s start with Eurovision. You have raised the stakes pretty high and we finally achieved the un – achievable. How do you feel now that you will be presenting the next competition here in Greece?
I am truly thrilled that I will be presenting Eurovision next year. Greece is a country with a huge past in music and – I’d like to think – with great future in music. I hope that the first time Eurovision is hosted in Greece won’t be the last. It will be a new page for Greek music. I am very excited that I will be hosting the event. I am determined to give 100% of myself so we can achieve the best possible result: a huge advertisement of the Greek songs, the Greek art and Greece’s in general through the million of viewers that will watch the event.

We can’t wait to hear you say “douze points”! How are your French anyway?
Pas mal! (laughing). The presentation will be in English (the official language of Eurovision) and Greek because Greece is hosting the event.

Do you have any ideas about who is going to be tour co-host? Who do you believe is going to be a good choice for the part?
There are lots of ideas and contestants but I am not going to reveal anything, I want to keep you guessing. We have made contact with many celebrities both Greek and international. Some of the names mentioned in the papers are true and some aren’t. The certain thing is that the final choice will be a huge plus for Eurovision 2006 and one more reason why this time it will be different!

Do you think that we are going to make it? We have achieved bigger things (i.e. the Olympics) but there is always anxiety …
I believe that everything will be perfect this year. Look, we always “had it” but the Olympics proved that if we take something seriously we can achieve anything and better than everyone else. All the factors of the event, starting with ERT are determined to work hard to be daring and original. And you are right there is always the possibility of things going wrong, that’s why we are all at our toes, attending to every little detail so that everything goes on as planned: perfect!

You spend most of your time abroad. Is everything better outside Greece?
(laughing) I spend most of my time in Greece! I just travel abroad very often. You have to realize one thing: If you have lived in Greece and loved it, you can’t be happy for long anywhere else no matter how nice it is.

Currently you are in L.A. What exactly are you doing there?
To be precise I move around L.A. New York and London all the time. I meet new people and make contacts with those that will help me achieve my goals. I attend concerts and great shows like the one that Rolling Stones gave in Las Vegas.

What are your plans? You are not excluding the possibility to be an actor. That would be a very good idea and a way to broaden your horizons …
I am not excluding the possibility of becoming a movie actor. It’s something I find fascinating …

Do you think you won’t be able to sing forever? Is there an expiration date that you have set to your career as a singer?
I don’t like setting expiration dates in my future. I constantly evolve myself through my work and that fills me with energy and joy. Change and evolution thrill me and give me strength for the future.

Career wise I believe that your latest album “S’eho eroteftei” is your best album ever. What do you think?
The album “S’eho eroteftei” is one of my favorites and I am glad the public thinks so too. All those who worked for this album did so with immense love and enthusiasm and that was evident in the result. You know I think that my latest album is the best of my career until the next one is released! (laughing).

What are your next steps in singing? Or is too soon to speak of a new album?
I am waiting for the New Year to come so I will have a clearer idea of my obligations. After that, it won’t be long before I am back in the studio.

We know that you don’t want to talk about your personal life and you are right to want to protect yourself and those close to you. But we like you and care about you and want you to be o.k. all the times. We suspect that you are at the best time of your life but we want to hear it from you…
I am truly fine. It’s a great deal to be surrounded by those who love and care about you. I am supported by the people in whatever I do. How could I not be happy?

Saki what are your hopes for the New Year?
I want the New Year to bring hope and smiles to everyone. It’s not very original I know but we all need those too so much. I believe that a smile is the best antidote to life’s bad turns.

We thank you for your time. While concluding our interview, what would you like to wish for you?
I leave that up to you. For my part I want to wish all a happy and productive year full of success, romance and love!

Mag. SUPER KATERINA, January 2006

“I strive for perfection” And he has accomplished it! ~ Votre Beaute Jan 06

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Sakis with his sweet smile and bright eyes is the artist that has it all: talent, success and at the same time he is the personification of health, serenity, harmony, contribution to others and joy of life! All that in to one! Too good to be true? No! At least that’s what we found out when we tried to understand the phenomenon Sakis, an afternoon at his home (a mansion and a garden with lots of trees and flowers). The house had a view of the sea. At the back yard there was a comfortable pool with a wooden deck and lazy chairs. The insides of the house are particularly tasteful, comfortable, and quiet like any bachelor’s house. There are relaxing sofas in earthy colors, books, CDs and DVDs everywhere. Sakis is a “gadget guy”. While he prepares my espresso, I have time to look around: 50 inch TV screen, DVD player, video home cinema, cable TV and a cell phone of the latest technology that rings very often until he turns it of… He declares that he is “slightly addicted to his laptop that he keeps permanently connected to the cables internet”. While I enjoy the first ships of my coffee he drinks water from a bottle. He is particularly polite and we stop speaking formally after I insist. We talk about his life in L.A. and the “New York – London” angle that defines his new artistic activities. Our conversation warms up as soon as I mention his philanthropic work: “Recently the Greek Anti – Cancer Organization has asked me to be the new representative for their new campaign. I accepted, loved and embraced the cause. I want to offer as much as I can. This campaign focuses on the stages of prevention of cancer, the otherwise called four circles of life: healthy diet, protection against the sun, clear environment, personal fitness. I find that attitude optimistic and full of love for mankind and life”.

How did you feel when you held the Sakis doll in your hands?
I felt that I am holding, not simply a toy, but a very original way to help those in need. You see part of the profits will be given to the Olympic village, a philanthropic organization that offers support to handicap children and their families. Both of my recent concerts have been given for the same cause. Children, whether they are healthy or not, are defenseless and need our protection and care.

Do you want to have kids?
I love children! Having them is one of my life’s major goals though not immediate ones. I would like to have a large, warm family with many noisy, happy children!

Has your childhood played a part in your desire to have children?
I think that everyone is affected by his experiences. As a child I had the privilege of having a “full life” in Corfu and that has definitely shaped my life. My memories of these years are full of music, teenage friendships lots of fun and games at the sea and sports …

You have already set the bases for an international career. How determined are you to promote it?
Next year I will have completed 15 years in the music industry and I think that the best move I could make is … going back to school! I have very ambitious plans. The idea of “settling down” with a successful career does not suit me. I like toughies, so I decided to set new targets and go to acting school in L.A. This is something I have always wanted to do, like a “bug” that has been eating me. I like learning new things next to people who are very accomplished in their field. I am very optimistic about the future and totally committed to my new goals.

You are a beloved pop idol. Have you dreamt of this since your childhood? Did you ever believe you where going to go this far?
I believe in my potentials but I am also at a constant struggle with myself. From the moment I decided to become a singer I was looking high! I am very strict with myself and with the people I work with. If I don’t achieve what I have set out to do I can’t find rest. I want everything done right and professionally without compromises.

How do you combine strictness and perfectionism with the joy of life and warmth that you seem to have?
That is a game of balance between my professional and personal life. Work is work and the details make the difference. I pay close attention to the details, all these elements that you don’t notice at first. The optical angle that you use to watch things is the one that makes you different. But when your job is done, your personal life, your friends and having fun becomes a priority. That’s how I keep the sensitive balances and manage to feel good both in my personal life and career wise.

Are you one of these guys that go to bed early?
I take good care of myself and sleep plays a big part both in mental and physical rest, but that doesn’t mean that when I am out having fan I will drop everything at bedtime according to schedule. If I am partying with friends, I will stay out all night without a second thought!

Do you work out regularly?
Yes I do! Exercising is a way of life for me. It’s a habit I acquired when I was an athlete. It has never become tiresome or a burden.

Do you smoke?
Never! Like I said I was an ex – athlete. I like healthy living and tasty but clean food. The joy of life for me is expressed through health, love and contribution to others.

How much do you like fashion and to what extend are you creating it?
I like clothes that make me feel comfortable. It is common for a public figure to create or affect fashion even if it happens unintentionally. Something that he does, something that he wears, something that he says can become a trend. Speaking for myself, although I like fashion, I would never pick an outfit just because it’s some designer’s clothes without making certain that they look good on me.

For some people the story of your life sounds like a fairy tale. Are you truly “Prince Charming”?
Everyone who is dreaming a fairy tale life must be prepared for a struggle, hard work and sacrifices. Everything I have accomplished so far have been a result of hard work, I didn’t find them ready so I appreciate them twice as much. What I have learned all these years is that success and recognition comes after hard work, being a professional and having respect for others and mostly self – respect. That’s the only way to make our “dreams” come true.

Do you believe?
Yes, ever since I was a little boy. Every day life gives us dozens of reasons – sometimes pleasant, sometimes not – to believe, appreciate and love …

Does time scare you? Does it bother you that some day you won’t be young?
Time at least so far has treated me kindly. I grow up and grow old consciously. Every professional makes plans so that time won’t pass him by! That’s why I want to stay ahead, find new ideas and evolve. My goal is to be as complete as I can be. To expand my knowledge and horizons constantly. While I can still do that, I am certain that time will be an ally not an enemy. That is the reason I decided to host Eurovision and not participate in 2006, something that has also been proposed to me. I thought about it and have decided to take a step further.

What does participating in Eurovision as a host instead of a contestant mean to you?
I like to try new things. During my contacts with ERT before accepting their proposal I realized that I would assume a very important new role. Being a host for Eurovision 2006 is a very big honor and challenge. I intend to give the best of me and contribute to something that will leave a mark in Eurovision history and music.

Do you sing when you are home alone?
Music and singing is in my blood, a huge part of me! I whistle and sing a lot and not necessarily my own songs! Sometimes a song gets stuck in my head when it is connected to something that has made an impression on me. For instance, after a concert when a song is very popular with the crowd I get excited and it might stick on me. It happened to me recently in Istanbul during a show: I sang “Hilia Milia” (= A thousand miles), a song from my latest album and the audience loved it because it is a song with very evident ethnic parts and very lively beat. The show was over but the song stuck to me and I was singing it during the drive from the studio to the hotel. A little while back, in summer, I was in Corfu for a video shoot and I met my old schoolteacher. When the director asked me to sing an old traditional Corfu song, I asked her and we sang together the song: “Here in this neighborhood, a block away / a little grouse has made her nest”. Do you know it? Well, anyway I had a flashback from my childhood and I caught myself singing it endlessly until the whole crew went to a restaurant by the sea, where we had lunch.

What does love mean to you?
It means, life, inspiration, passion, magic, creation, beautiful emotions in the good times and the bad. Love is always sweet even when it hurts…

And at that point our interview was over. He showed me out and I left smiling – it seems Sakis smile is contagious!

Magazine: Votre Beaute, January 2006

The eternal comeback of Sakis! ~ Status Jan 06

He is a star of national quality and not just a pop idol / poster for hysteric teenagers, with a look that is more outgoing and cool than ever, Sakis seems to be walking the road of success steadier than ever. He has taken his career in his own hands (with the help of a few select associates and the support of his record company) he studies and plans his every move carefully. The long – standing or better yet the “duration” in Greek music scene, as he well knows is the toughest challenge. Apart from his personal glamour and star quality, Sakis seems to be having, in a very large degree, the most important quality that will declare you a winner in show business: the infamous “Know How”, something that very few artists seen to have nowadays, where stars have a very short expiration date. I am pleasantly surprised to realize that myself, while I watch him during the photo shoot. He is politely, using his star status, to stay in control of the situation. He examines in details the “environment” of every photo, he checks the Polaroid snapshots with the experience of someone who has worked in fashion and he spots all the shots that are “missing” that certain something. How did he manage to put to use all the experience he has gained? “In order to manage and promote your career you have to know your field” he tells me. “ I started very young in a field that I knew nothing about and because everything happened so fast, and there was so much noise going around my name, at first I was very scarred and hesitated a lot. Today I am in a position to know things pretty well so I can have control. The longer you do this job, the more you learn about various aspects of it that at first you didn’t even dream of. For starters you learn more about yourself. If you don’t evolve everything else is useless. I like this philosophical conversation with Sakis. A lot of people (myself included sometimes) imagine that Sakis doesn’t have a will, he is speechless in his glamorous prison and is always directed by other “masterminds”. Sakis, you can feel it, has matured and his every move reminds you of an experienced showman and not a hesitant teenager, like before.

Besides, he has already realized that himself: “All this time in life and show biz and the collective experience has changed me deeply. I am as a matter of fact 15 years more mature and calmer in all the areas of my life. From the way I use my voice to the way I communicate with the people. Maturity helps you do things better: the more you know exactly who you are, the easier it becomes to do anything. And in your way”

These are simple straight statements, full of positive energy (at least that’s the way he says them) and with a true (I am almost certain) nobility that convinces you that you are dealing with a man a lot more normal than you would expect from the “legend” that is known as Sakis. His eccentricities begin and end on stage, the extreme element is completely out of his logic and actions. No matter how much you want every idol to have a “dark side”, some dirty or spicy details that would lessen the glamour, when you have Sakis in front of you there is no room for that. He has a mixture of a child’s innocence and a teenager’s enthusiasm, which leaves you no choice. “Exceptional talent, good psychology. What else in necessary for the maintenance of an impressive success?” I ask him. “You need good associates no matter how much you have learned yourself. Not even I with my extensive experience can do everything. The talks, for instance about the finance and the practical matters when I am appearing in a club, does not suit me. I prefer to leave that to others who can do it better than I. Also I allow myself to make mistakes. If you don’t stumble a bit on your mistakes, you will never discover anything about yourself”.

Sakis is human! The difficult times, as far as Sakis public image is concerned (because we know nothing about his personal life) have to do with publication in tabloids, endless rumors and small disappearances followed by impressive comebacks. It is very natural to be treated like that by the media if you are a star of that caliber.

The thing that none knows (because “Sakis” has been an unknown territory when it comes to his personal life who is covered in mystery like the one that covers say, Mylene Farmer or Michael Jackson), is how deals with all these. The certain thing is that in every occasion Sakis had the “showbiz” wisdom to avoid action while the matter was still “hot”. He never confirmed or denied anything and he never acted out of panic. Every attempt to end his career was in the end unsuccessful: “I have a sure proof plan when dealing with situations like those. I believe in people’s instinct and that keeps me cool”, he tells me. But is it possible not to feel bad or awkward, I insist, when the media invade your privacy? Is that human? Are you human or not, Sakis? “Of course I have felt awkward. I have worried with situations that were out of my control. It’s a feeling like when you are on a stadium and things suddenly get ugly, situation get out of hand and there is nothing you can do about it. Believe me I have felt everything. I am only human, after all!” he tells me with a smile. I finally hear the words of a man who operates without an auto – pilot. “Naturally I have gone through some rough spots but over the years I learned to remain calm and handle these things. When I entered the showbiz, I came from a healthy and civilized environment, the world of professional athletes that had completely different codes of behavior. The adjustment was tough. I was suddenly somewhere completely opposite from what I was used to and terrible things were being said and printed about me. I had no idea how these things work or how to handle it … I was very awkward and anxious, and I am not ashamed to admit, was wondering what I ever did to deserve such hostility. But fortunately I realized that something that “spontaneous” can’t change everything, it can’t really change who someone is and I had to deal with it. If you manage to stay true to yourself from some point on you are almost invincible!”.

How does he deal with people’s curiosity about the spicy details of his life, his relationship with Katia and the rest of the gossip – report? “I am very relaxed”, he replies. “I believe that the world doesn’t see this as real news. They have fun with it but they don’t form an opinion. It’s like going to a comedy to have a good time while they watch it. But that is that. Their opinion about the person that is being laughed at doesn’t change, I have realized that often enough and after so many years in showbiz that gives me great pleasure”

I ask him how is it that such an overdose of admiration doesn’t trap you. There are lots of examples of artists who got “burnt” because of excessive fame. He has an answer: “Naturally there where people who lost their balance after a huge success but let’s not forget that in my case fame didn’t happen overnight. As time went by I learnt to control the shock waves of admiration. I wasn’t made in a season and that turned to my advantage”.

The (almost) natural lifestyle of Sakis
The image of such a successful person is closely linked to discipline. “Mr. Shake It” has, according to people in his field lots of it: “Discipline was part of my life from a very early age because of sports. I knew in time what it meant as well as what hard work is. So success at a very early age didn’t find me un - prepared”. But doesn’t the other side, the one we are all imagining, where Sakis is trapped in a show – off life, exists? “It goes without saying that many times I have rebelled against all that discipline. But I know that I am the one who has made a choice, so I can’t really speak of sacrifices in my personal life etc. When I blocked out, I simply found out a way to unblock myself” he tells me laughing.

Did going abroad worked as an unblocking? “It was a huge step! Starting out new things is something that makes you look deeper in you and explore your potentials and limits, something that I absolutely need to feel alive. That’s how the experience of going abroad worked for me. The different standards that they use there, makes you feel like you start over from scratch. What happened to me had nothing to do with the anxiety I felt when I started in Greece. Right now I experience the whole thing on a completely different level. On moments like that you realize how much you have changed over the years”. Nobody however can imagine Sakis living a “normal”, according to his age, life. I tell him so but he doesn’t see it that way, he considers his life completely normal, maybe with some special circumstances due to his work. The one who looks from outside trying to confirm what he has imagined is making a mistake. He has gone clubbing but has he ever truly stayed out all night like other men his age? “Yes of course! Lots of times! What do you think I am? I enjoy staying out and when I get a chance I don’t let it pass me by. And in those moments it doesn’t matter a bit who I am or how everyone sees me. Naturally when I am abroad where I am freer, I really give it all! When I am having fun, I am having FUN!’ Are there in his pop and glossy life moments where like all males act out? Does he for instance watch soccer? “I watch without exception all the National Soccer team’s games. When I was a kid I was a fan of Corfu’s team. When I grew up and joined the national gymnastics team, I didn’t have time for soccer. But now it’s different. I am a fan of every Greek national team that goes abroad, I never miss Champions League. There are all these moments in my life, believe me”.

Smiling I remind him some of his old stylistic choices in a time when all the boys wore their heir long and had forelocks that hid their eyes. He assures me that he is the kind of person that laughs a lot with himself and his past. “I have laughed a lot with myself, and I like it when my friends laugh with me and my goofs! And they do that a lot!”, and his laugh shows that he means it.

“The day before yesterday I was watching some moments from the beginning of my career with long hair banging myself on stage and I laughed my head of. I really liked what I was doing back then, I went on stage and everything else was obliterated. I was elsewhere, I had no idea what was going on around me. That was how excited I was”.

In the world of Sakis there are no good guys and bad guys, or at least he avoids using such definite characterizations. He doesn’t, when I ask him, wish to remember negative people and situations. He refuses to become a victim of his myth. Everything, according to Sakis, work based on people’s energy. “I believe in what people give out regardless what they say, what they send forth in the environment. When I sense an energy that I don’t like I try to contain it as much as possible. When you don’t receive positive energy from people around you, your work and even your life is seen through different eyes”. His plans for his new career are already set. Does he get anxious now that he turned from a pop star for teenagers to massive star symbol? “I don’t understand terms like the anxiety of success and other such things that people ask me. All those things that we – successful stars – have to deal with are just challenges when we communicate with the public. When we are doing something so unique, why should we be anxious? Everything is a challenge. Even if one of your career moves is not so successful, what difference does it make? The world will not come to an end. There are no secrets or infallible ways when you play the game of interacting with the public. The chemistry between a star and his audience is like a sexual encounter. And sexual encounters are not always the same”.

Magazine: Status, January 2006

Sakis horoscope for 2006 ~ Astrologia Jan 2006

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The first “guest” for 2006 is a very beloved Greek artist, Sakis Rouvas. He was born in 5th of January 1972 and his sign is Capricorn. We hope that he will bring us luck so we can make a good start.

* Lucky numbers: 9, 11, 18, 33, 41
* Lucky day: Monday
* Lucky color: White

January and 2006 in general, is a period that will make Sakis reconsider a lot of his attitudes and beliefs that he had upheld until today. He is going to have a hard time in his love life because nothing serious and steady (?) can be seen in his astrological map. He is mainly interested in his career because he is feeling insecure after the end of his collaboration with his friend and manager, Ilias Psinakis.

Love life
His relationship with Katia won’t be serious for the moment. Which means there is not going to be a wedding announcement any moment soon no matter what the rumors in the press are saying lately. Their fights will continue unless they both compromise. He will have to start paying more attention to Katia. That’s what she is constantly complaining about.

Professional life
January is the month of major decision for Sakis when it comes to his career. He will feel confused and won’t be cool – headed enough to deal with whatever comes up. There is a proposal from the past, that would be very profitable for the artist but he is still very hesitant about it. He will make a contact at the end of the month that will offer him some relief. It will be such an important contact that even Sakis himself will be surprised. They might not become immediate associates but in the future they will come closer. He might be a new manager that Sakis desperately needs after the end of his cooperation with Ilias Psinakis.

Sakis will spend a lot of money this month in clothes and electronic gadgets. Those who know him well, say that “shopping therapy” is one of his favorite pastimes. But he’d better not spend too much, as one of his associates will ask him to do, because he will regret it. At this time he shouldn’t invest a single euro. He should be very careful with various acquaintances – not friends – because they will try to take advantage of him like they did in the past and he won’t even realize it.

Sakis, as he has often declared, is in excellent physical condition. He might not have enough time to sleep but he always makes time to go to the gym. He is truly favored in this aspect of his life. Even a minor cold that was bothering until recently is gone. However it would be prudent to visit an ophthalmologist, because his eyes are the only weak spot in his body this month.

Mag. ASTROLOGY, January 2006