His cinematic personas taught him to “spoil” his image. “I didn’t try to destroy my image on my own, it was part of the script” says the protagonist of the movie “Duress” who is now opening new paths in Hollywood. Sakios Rouvas starts a new career! The silver screen “suits him” and as he says in an interview for the newspaper “To Vima” he ought to take the first step if he desired to become an actor. He admits he knew that he “had it”. “But having talent means nothing if you don’t know how to deal with it”. So he went to Hollywood he found a manager and an agent and he started taking lessons with Fain who remains his tutor until today. We find out that prior to “Alter Ego” he was approached to participate in a german film titled “Anna’s Summer”. “I even had a tryout but the director was in a hurry at the time. She wanted someone with experience and she didn’t have time to teach me. I appreciated what she told me. It was honest”. Then came Alter Ego where we saw Sakis unshaven, with black eyes, exhausted and with a hairdo that didn’t flatter him. :but in the end of the day who gives a shit about the hair? I didn’t. Sakis is Sakis and Stephanos who I played in Alter Ego is Stephanos. I didn’t try to spoil my image. It was in the script”. He says. Then came the big proposal from the other side of the ocean. The four years back and forth in LA paied of. “In America I met people, I got a manager who helped me with the finances and a staff of people with certain goals for the next strep. We were going through some scripts when we come across the Abner proposal”. Sakis admits that he had some misgivings at first: “when I re-read the script with Howard Fain then I was completely thrilled”. One of his dreams had come true and he admitted that his parents were the first ones that pointed schooled him in the arts of cinema and theatre. Besides we can see his father in many tv spots and small parts in TV and movies. Recently we saw him in the movie “Kai oi sklavoi sta desma tous (= Slaves at their bondages)” that took place in beautiful Corfu. The island that first learned about Sakis dreams and desires!
24 Nov 2009
Σάκης Ρουβάς: "Επέτρεψα στον εαυτό του να τσακαλωθεί" (eng)
Οι κινηματογραφικοί του ρόλοι τον "έμαθαν" να τσαλακώνει την εικόνα του. "Δεν πήγα εγώ να σπάσω κάποια εικόνα απο μόνος μου, το σενάριο το έλεγε" " λέει ο πρωταγωνιστής της ταινίας "Στα άκρα" που με την ερμηνεία του ανοίγει δρόμους στο Χόλυγουντ. Ο Σάκης Ρουβάς ξεκινάει μια νέα καριέρα! Η μεγάλη οθόνη του "πάει" και όπως λέει στην συνέντευξη του στο "Βήμα της Κυριακής" όφειλε να κάνει το πρώτο βήμα εφόσον ήθελε να ασχοληθεί με τον κινηματογράφο. Ομολογεί πως ηξερε πως το "έχει". "Αλλά το να το "έχεις" μέσα σου και να μην ξέρεις πως να το διαχειριστείς δεν σημαίνει τίποτε". Ετσι πήγε στο Χόλυγουντ βρήκε μάνατζερ κι ατζέντη και άρχισε τα μαθήματα υποκριτικής με το Φάιν που παραμένει δάσκαλος του μέχρι σήμερα. Για πρώτη φορά μαθαίνουμε πως πρίν το "Αlter Ego" , του είχε γίνει πρόταση να πρωταγωνιστήσει σε ταινία Γερμανικής παραγωγής με τίτλο "Το καλοκαίρι της Αννας". "Είχα κάνει και δοκιμαστικό. Η σκηνοθέτιδα όμως βιαζόταν τρομερά εκείνη την εποχή. Ηθελε να έχω εμπειρία και δεν μπορούσε να αφιερώσει χρόνο να με διδάξει. Το εκτίμησα πολύ αυτό που μου είπε. Ηταν πολύ έντιμο". Στην συνέχεια ήρθε η πρόταση απο την Village για το "Alter Ego". Εκεί είδαμε τον Σάκη αξύριστο, με μαύρους κύκλους κάτω απο τα μάτια, ταλαιπωρημένο, με ενα μαλλί που δεν τον κολάκευε. "Αλλά στο τέλος της μέρας ποιός χέστηκε για το μαλλί; Δεν με ενδιέφερε αυτό. Ούτως ή άλλως, ο Σάκης είναι ο Σάκης και ο Στέφανος που υποδύθηκα στο "Alter Ego" είναι ο Στέφανος. Δεν πήγα να σπάσω κάποια εικόνα απο μόνος μου, το σενάριο το έλεγε" υποστηρίζει. Μετά ήρθε η μεγάλη πρόταση απο την άλλη πλευρά του Ατλαντικού. Χαλάλι... τα 4 χρόνια πήγαινε-έλα του στάρ στο LA. "Στην Αμερική γνώρισα ανθρώπους, απέκτησα εναν μάνατζερ, εναν άνθρωπο που με βοήθησε στα οικονομικά, ενα επιτελείο ανθρώπων με κάποιους στόχους για το επόμενο βήμα. Διαβάζαμε σενάρια οταν ήρθε η πρόταση του Αμπνερ". Ο Σάκης παραδέχεται πως στην αρχή είχε αμφιβολίες. "Οταν ξαναδιάβασα το ίδιο σενάριο μαζί με τον Χάουαρντ Φάιν, τότε με συνεπήρε τελείως". Ενα όνειρο του εκπληρώθηκε και παραδέχεται πως οι γονείς του ήταν οι πρώτοι που τον μύησαν στον μαγικό κόσμο του σινεμά και του θεάτρου. Αλλωστε τον πατέρα του τον βλέπουμε ακόμα και σήμερα στην μικρή, σε πολλά διαφημιστικά, αλλά και στην μεγάλη οθόνη. Πρόσφατα τον είδαμε μάλιστα στην ταιία "Σκλάβοι στα δεσμά τους" με φόντο την όμορφη Κέρκυρα. Το νησί των Φαιάκων που "'εμαθε" πρώτο τα όνειρα και τα "θέλω" του πανέμορφου Σάκη!
I allowed my image to be spoiled
His cinematic personas taught him to “spoil” his image. “I didn’t try to destroy my image on my own, it was part of the script” says the protagonist of the movie “Duress” who is now opening new paths in Hollywood. Sakios Rouvas starts a new career! The silver screen “suits him” and as he says in an interview for the newspaper “To Vima” he ought to take the first step if he desired to become an actor. He admits he knew that he “had it”. “But having talent means nothing if you don’t know how to deal with it”. So he went to Hollywood he found a manager and an agent and he started taking lessons with Fain who remains his tutor until today. We find out that prior to “Alter Ego” he was approached to participate in a german film titled “Anna’s Summer”. “I even had a tryout but the director was in a hurry at the time. She wanted someone with experience and she didn’t have time to teach me. I appreciated what she told me. It was honest”. Then came Alter Ego where we saw Sakis unshaven, with black eyes, exhausted and with a hairdo that didn’t flatter him. :but in the end of the day who gives a shit about the hair? I didn’t. Sakis is Sakis and Stephanos who I played in Alter Ego is Stephanos. I didn’t try to spoil my image. It was in the script”. He says. Then came the big proposal from the other side of the ocean. The four years back and forth in LA paied of. “In America I met people, I got a manager who helped me with the finances and a staff of people with certain goals for the next strep. We were going through some scripts when we come across the Abner proposal”. Sakis admits that he had some misgivings at first: “when I re-read the script with Howard Fain then I was completely thrilled”. One of his dreams had come true and he admitted that his parents were the first ones that pointed schooled him in the arts of cinema and theatre. Besides we can see his father in many tv spots and small parts in TV and movies. Recently we saw him in the movie “Kai oi sklavoi sta desma tous (= Slaves at their bondages)” that took place in beautiful Corfu. The island that first learned about Sakis dreams and desires!
His cinematic personas taught him to “spoil” his image. “I didn’t try to destroy my image on my own, it was part of the script” says the protagonist of the movie “Duress” who is now opening new paths in Hollywood. Sakios Rouvas starts a new career! The silver screen “suits him” and as he says in an interview for the newspaper “To Vima” he ought to take the first step if he desired to become an actor. He admits he knew that he “had it”. “But having talent means nothing if you don’t know how to deal with it”. So he went to Hollywood he found a manager and an agent and he started taking lessons with Fain who remains his tutor until today. We find out that prior to “Alter Ego” he was approached to participate in a german film titled “Anna’s Summer”. “I even had a tryout but the director was in a hurry at the time. She wanted someone with experience and she didn’t have time to teach me. I appreciated what she told me. It was honest”. Then came Alter Ego where we saw Sakis unshaven, with black eyes, exhausted and with a hairdo that didn’t flatter him. :but in the end of the day who gives a shit about the hair? I didn’t. Sakis is Sakis and Stephanos who I played in Alter Ego is Stephanos. I didn’t try to spoil my image. It was in the script”. He says. Then came the big proposal from the other side of the ocean. The four years back and forth in LA paied of. “In America I met people, I got a manager who helped me with the finances and a staff of people with certain goals for the next strep. We were going through some scripts when we come across the Abner proposal”. Sakis admits that he had some misgivings at first: “when I re-read the script with Howard Fain then I was completely thrilled”. One of his dreams had come true and he admitted that his parents were the first ones that pointed schooled him in the arts of cinema and theatre. Besides we can see his father in many tv spots and small parts in TV and movies. Recently we saw him in the movie “Kai oi sklavoi sta desma tous (= Slaves at their bondages)” that took place in beautiful Corfu. The island that first learned about Sakis dreams and desires!
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