Μετά την εξέλιξη αυτή ο τραγουδιστής χαρτογραφεί χώρους όπου και αναμένεται να εμφανιστεί με πρώτο στην λίστα του ένα παλιό club στην λεωφόρο Βουλιαγμένης.
There is no deal between Rouvas - Raptakis
Sakis is looking for a new venue for the upcoming season that will start in a few days. According to exclusive infortmation there are two possible choices. The same sourcs reveal that Sakis departure from Starz was a given because there was a rapture between him and the young owner of the eastablishment, Ntinos Raptakis. Sakis has atracted several negative comments because of the high price of the "bottle" (i.e. the price of anny given bottle of drink such as vodka or whisky etc) something that Sakis tried to change this year. But his efford was in vain. The owner had other ideas. Apparently his wxpences are rather high.
After that the singer is looking for a "new house" for this winter and first on the list is an old club in Vouliagmenis Avenue.