He is the only pop idol of Greece. She is the daughter of the king of communications in Taiwan and a permanent resident of London. They met at a philanthropic gala organized by Prince Charles and they are inseparable ever since. For the first time in his 10 – year – old career Sakis is seen next to a woman. Six months after they became a couple, rumor says they are getting married sometime this winter (2003).
Their last joint appearance in the party for the release of the Greek edition of the magazine In Style was enough to make rumors fly, about the upcoming marriage. “Yes, it’s certain that they are getting married” says someone who knows them. Some others, more reasonable, speak only of a reunion after a short split of about a month, while some others claim that “a short split” is too heavy a word and prefer to call it a short brake after a fight. The reason for these comments was the Rebecca’s absence from Sakis concert in Lycabettus at the beginning of October. “She was accompanying him during an entire tour the whole summer. How could he miss the single most important concert in Athens?” was the justifiable question. The answer was about to be given the on a Thursday night. A little while earlier the couple’s friends had managed to bring them close. It was the 3 day holiday of October 28th, that Sakis chose to travel to London where the Wang family is based. The two of them were not planning to meet. They had jointly decided that it was best to live apart. But their friends had other plans. One night they organized a dinner at a restaurant without informing either of them about the presence of the other. The reunion was a sure deal and it didn’t take long to happen. The very next day the couple made a joint appearance at the Ball of the roses in London. A few days later Rebecca came to Athens to accompany Sakis to the party for the release of the Greek Edition of the magazine In Style, at the club Venue. This time they were holding hands. Whatever doesn’t kill a relationship makes it stronger and Sakis and Rebecca seem closer than ever.
The first official admittance of their affairThe couple arrived at Venue a little before 1:00 in the morning. Ilias Psinakis, Sakis manager was with them as well as their friend Giorgos Marinos (he is also a neighbor of Sakis; he lives in Nea Makri and happens to be one of the few people that the young star trusts). Their party will increase with the additions of Giorgos Tsalikis (their joint appearances in Fever will start in a month), Dimita Papadopoulou (Lyricist), Marios Athanasiou and Peggi Trikalioti. Rebecca went for a conservative look with a haute couture creation by Dolce & Gabbana and black, above the knee boots. Sakis prefers the all time classic look of “black suite – white shirt” He smiles a lot and he doesn’t seem to mind the cameras. “He was more communicative than ever. He was so relaxed that he didn’t leave her side all evening” a guest comments. This is the first time they posed together, like they were publicly admitting their relationship.
In spite of all these, Rebecca doesn’t seem to be comfortable, at least in the beginning. In all their poses she never looks directly at the camera. Born and raised in a strict and rather conservative environment she has learned to maintain a low profile in everything and those who have met her have been impressed by her modesty and her shyness. “Rebecca was raised in a house with servants. She has been served in hand and foot all her life. She could have been spoilt. However she is a very modest, sweet and kind girl”, a common friend of the couple said. Her only eccentricity other than her haute couture clothes is her obsession to be photographed with Sakis. The night of the party, Rebecca used her small portable camera to photograph everything and everybody non stop. She has done the same on Sakis presentation of his new CD in Myconos and in all of his concerts. Friends of the couple say that Rebecca keeps the photos in her computer and has a private archive of their entire relationship.
The chronicles of a pop relationshipAlthough they first met in London (Ilias Psinakis knew Rebecca’s brother) their first date was in Greece. To be precise in the presidential suite in Elounda. “Sakis was charmed by Rebecca because she had no idea about his work and when she did find out she didn’t care at all” a friend of theirs comment. Their next dates were in Greece, in Paris, in London and in Milan where Sakis went on a spur of the moment just to meet her. It was the first time that he did something like that for a woman. An anecdote of their relationship is how Sakis spent minutes upon minutes trying to explain to the waiter how Rebecca liked her tea (with mint leaves). “Rebecca is very conscious of her diet. She eats mostly salads (that she accompanies with honey) and works out on a regular bases. Sakis follows a similar lifestyle and it’s one of the things that brought them together” a friend of their said.
Is Sakis going to be a groom?Rebecca is the first woman that appeared publicly by Sakis side. It is the first time that the 30 year old star has agreed to be photographed next to a girl that he is dating. That’s why the rumor has it that Sakis and Rebecca are planning to get married and have two very well known ladies as their maids of honor. “Sakis is thinking about it and discussing it with his closest friends asking for their opinion” says someone who knows him really well. On the other hand he is a bit young for such a big commitment and their affair is still fresh – they’ve been together for eight months. Sakis has his international career to think about and Rebecca is not the kind of woman that would force Sakis to do anything. For the time being she has moved back to London while he is in Paris for the promotion of his new album.
DOWN TOWN 13/11/2003