10 Apr 2011

Sakis Rouvas Fans Kiva Team

Sakis Rouvas Kiva Group has a new set a new goal: To reach 1000$ in loans by Sakis' birthday on the 5th of January. So far the total amount is 700$ and we are looking forward to your contribution thought the purpose of the site is not to "donate" exactly but more like help people help themselves. I think the video explains things better:

I know what you are thinking: "Right now with the state the economy is in, it's definitely not a time for a move like this". But you are wrong: This is precisly the time. A browse throught the site will convince you that you are in fact much richer than what you thought and you are not powerless against poverty. The pros of this site is:

1) You don't actually give away your money. You will get them back! (the repayment rate is 98.65%)

2) The loan start from 25.00 USD that is a very small amount. Check out http://www.xe.com/ucc/ to get the exact rate but anyway it's less than 20 euros. That's affordable even in the tightest budgets.

3) Unlike all the other attempts it's easy to see how much money has been raised through the team http://www.kiva.org/team/sakis_rouvas_fans but that doesn't interfere with the return of the loan to your paypal account or with the process (you don't give the funds to a particular person in the group) Copy - pasting from the site: Kiva lenders who wish to lend as a group can form a lending team. This allows anyone on the team to see which borrowers other team members are lending to and allows you to track the impact that your group is making on Kiva.

So I hope that you will join me in this endevour.

Kind Regards

P.S. For those of you who are in dire straits financialy (like myself and everyone) nothing will make you feel better (and richer) than a providing a small short term loan. Believe me I have personal experience, all of us Greeks need a confidence boost right now.

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